Megacon 2014: Sci-Fi Speed Dating and other things that were fun too but not as eye catching to put in a blog title

This post was originally published on March 28th, 2014 on my weebly ( However, I've edited this post on here to make it look like it was actually published on 3/28/14 for organizational purposes. I made convention blog posts in 2013 on this account, so to keep things consistent and convenient, I'm moving things from weebly to here. I edited a few things and added pictures which makes this just a liiitle bit different from my original weebly post. I've deleted the original post on my weebly to avoid redundancy.

This has been my third year at Megacon and it was definitely my favorite!

In this post I'm just going to go a little bit more in depth about my experience than what my vlog portrayed~

Yaya Han (love her or hate her)

I was really excited to find out that Yaya Han was going to be at Megacon so I had to get a picture with her and see her in person. There are a lot of people who can't stand her, which makes me feel awkward about liking her so much haha. I feel like over all, she's not a BAD person, and I enjoy her costumes and crafting skills. I also really really admire her as a business woman/entrepreneur. To make a living off of something so unique and full of passion is really cool to me. So that's why I like her (. _ .") She was nice, of course haha. She's also a lot tinier in person than I imagined her to be xD 

I asked her "can we make a heart together with our hands?" It was a success omg.

My Experience in Speed Dating 

Another interesting part of the weekend was Sci-Fi Speed Dating on Saturday LOL. I made a Facebook post asking people if they were going to go. A lot of people seemed really interested and some people said it was a terrible idea. YA WEENIES. All in all I had a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it to people who enjoy talking to strangers lol.

So, to start with, you had to have your name written down a list beforehand aka you had to rsvp a spot. I didn't know this until I got there and the guy asked who's names were/were not on the list. Outside, there was a line with girls and a line for guys. Don't worry, there was an lgbt friendly session that occurred earlier that day (n__n). First, the girls were allowed to go inside first. There were chairs throughout the entire room and we were told to pick a place to sit. Wow that was such an obvious statement LOL. Once all the chairs were filled, which was apparently a rare occurrence for the girls side.

The guy in charge gave "us ladies" a talk. He wasn't weird though, he seemed pretty cool with his cargo pocket kilt and all. He basically said that we shouldn't be nervous and that we should feel safe and have fun. He told us a signal to give if we ended up paired with someone who was making us uncomfortable. Basically, if someone is being weird, don't let them get away with it. After that, he let the guys inside and the guys each picked a seat in front of a girl lololol.

Cargo pocket kilt guy talked about how there have been many matches made during sci-fi speed dating. I think he said that he got a call from someone saying they were expecting their second son all thanks to sci-fi speed dating lolomg. To prove the point even more, a guy in a white suit and nice white shoes walked into the room and briefly told everyone about how he met his love through sci-fi speed dating. Then, his love walked into the room and he proposed to her LOL. I explained this story to someone and they thought it was really corny. I mean, it was, but it was still pretty awe-worthy and I even recorded it pfft. I wanted to include it in my vlog but I didn't really want to have to explain the context of the clip and yadda yadda yadda.

We didn't get to speak with every person in the room unfortunately derrrp. Out of all the guys I talked to, none of them were creepy in my opinion and no one made me feel uncomfortable. Each "date" lasted five minutes. There were a few times where cargo pocket kilt guy (I'm having fun calling him this leave me alone) stopped everything and told a funny story because he said he could sense that some people were feeling uncomfortable. I guess with me, if a guy starts being a creep, I'll be blunt about it and bring it up or be extremely sarcastic. However, you also have to remember that sometimes, if a guy is being "creepy" he might just be awkward and shy and you're just making a wrong interpretation. Same can go for a girl too.

Anyways, once that was done, all the girls went to one side and all the guys went to another side. Throughout the speed dates, we each pinned a card with a number on it to our shirts. We also were given a pen and an index card. After each speed date, if we liked a person, we were able to write down their number on the index card. This was helpful because at the end when the guys and girls went to different sides of the room, there were tables with sheets of paper on top. On each sheet of paper was a number that corresponded to a guy that we may or may not have talked to. For example, if I liked number 777, I would go to number 777's paper and then I could write down my e-mail or phone number on there so that person could contact me PFFFFT. At the end, each of the guys were called by their numbers so they could get their paper and leave the room. I didn't like that part, and I thought it was unfair. I thought it was awkward because you could just see the expression of disappointment some guys had when they saw the results of their speed dating endeavor. I feel like they should have just let us all leave at the same time or something, but maybe there's a reason for this?

Once all the guys were gone, cargo kilt man gave "us ladies" another talk thing. He advised us that if we were to go on a date with a person we met, PLEASE make it at a public place for safety reasons. I can't remember why he only gave "us ladies" this talk. I think he may have said something like "guys are stupid no matter what" which I disagree with but I could be wrong about him saying that. Anyways, he also said that if something bad were to happen, he would quit sci-fi speed dating for good. He also said he would definitely kill the guy too if something bad happened. He said he was really serious. That makes me feel safe LOL.

I recommend this if you're comfortable with talking with strangers and you don't mind leading the conversation. There were many times where I was the main person asking questions, which is cool with me, but if you're too shy to do that then it's going to be REALLY awkward. Of course I can't speak for every session, but be prepared for that to happen. ALSO, if you're going to go in as a guy, you have to be $25. IT'S NOT FREE IF YOU'RE A GUY!! If you're a girl, it's free. The reason being is because there's always a surplus of guys who want to participate and rarely enough girls. By making the guys pay, it weeds out the number of guys. Having the girls get in free encourages more girls to join. Yeah, pretty simple lol. Does it makes sense? Yeah. Is it fair? No. Cargo kilt guy says he does this as a living so it makes sense to treat this as a business practice. Eh, it is what it is.
Wow so now that I got that long description of sci-fi speed dating out of the way, I can talk about something else PHEW.


I had a blast in my cosplay, and I think that's what really made this Megacon fun.

On Saturday I was my school girl genderbend version of The Joker xD I had so much fun waving hi to other jokers and pretending to shoot bat girl. My favorite part about cosplay is when I can act like the character I'm dressed as :3 Some people even recommended me some good joker stuff to read so I can learn/fall in love with that character even more LOL. I'm not 100% satisfied with that version I did, so expect a 3.0 version of my genderbend joker cosplay in the future! 

I've shared this picture a lot, but I just think it looks too adorable xD
 I also participated in my first cosplay group which was the Kanker sisters from Ed Edd n Eddy on Sunday. It was really fun when people recognized us! I was Lee Kanker. I talked in her voice too. I hope people didn't think that was really how I spoke HAHA.

My Vlog
Check my vlog out for some more funny moments I ~*caught on camera*~


Thanks for reading!
