This post was originally published on Jamuary 5th, 2014 on my weebly ( However, I've edited this post on here to make it look like it was actually published on 1/5/15 for organizational purposes. I made convention blog posts in 2013 on this account, so to keep things consistent and convenient, I've moved posts from weebly to here. I edited a few things and added pictures which makes this just a liiitle bit different from my original weebly post. I've deleted the original post on my weebly to avoid redundancy.
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Taken by our friend Andrew :D |
Holiday Matsuri this year was my favorite one yet! I was so exhausted when the weekend was over xD
Since I got a lot of recordings of the weekend, I won't spend too much time here explaining what I did. I was able to complete my goal of getting a separate vlog for each day of the con :D This blog post will mainly be like a reflection post.
To start with, this is Holiday Matsuri's 4th year. It has been growing each year and I hope that one day this will be one of those big conventions that a lot of people from out of state go to :D we'll see!
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Credit: |
I spent a little more time on stage this year which was awesome. It was one of the reasons why I wanted to become an ambassador. Ambassadors for Holiday Matsuri are people who act as mascots for the con. Duties involve promoting the convention at other conventions and working at events during Holiday Matsuri like MC-ing, backstage things, working other events, and handing out HM buttons to people. I definitely wanted to use this as an experience to get better with public speaking and becoming more comfortable in front of a crowd. I was a part of the opening ceremonies skit, I introduced the lolita fashion show, and I was a part of a filler performance for the dance cover contest. It really doesn't sound like much xD but I'm hoping that by doing this it will help me get the opportunity to MC other things.
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Taken by our friend Andrew again :D |
I also hosted three panels. Two panels were the same. I hosted Kakkoii Karaoke (just a karaoke panel) on Friday and Sunday and I hosted a Babymetal (J-pop/metal group) panel on Sunday. Next time, I'm only going to host one panel, which will be Kakkoii Karaoke since people really enjoy it. My Babymetal panel was terrible in my opinion. We had tech issues and I wasn't even prepared. That panel wasn't in a room that already had a projector so someone had to set that up which made me start late. I was too busy with finals and due to poor time management, I didn't really prepare much. I had three music videos downloaded and an interview video downloaded that I didn't even watch before hand. The interview was terrible LOL. It was one of those where the translator's voice dubbed the members answering the question and it was difficult to understand them. Also, the speakers brought for me didn't work so we had to rely on the audio from the projector, which wasn't adjustable and terrible. My main goal for the panel was to generate a discussion among fans of Babymetal and talk about how people found out about the group, why they love the group, and haters lmao. That part was okay, people were getting into the discussion and talking which was awesome, but I felt like everything on my part was just derpy. The panel only took up like 40 minutes. I felt bad about the whole thing because people probably came there expecting something good and I should have done better and provided something more entertaining.
Check out HEHEHEHE |
Before hosting my panels and before going on stage I got really nervous LOL. Well, I was more nervous for the on-stage things, but even for my panels I still felt anxious. I didn't eat much the whole weekend omg but on sunday I got a huge meal from McDonalds with my friends lololol. I think I was just trying to do too many things in one weekend.
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From Taylor's instagram (@wowitsmetaylor) |
Next year, I want to at least fit time for one cosplay in. I have an idea in mind, but we'll see how it'll go LOL. Not sure if many people will recognize me but I think it will be hilarious.
All in all, it was a great convention to end the year! I hope everyone who went had a great time, and if you didn't go, maybe I'll see you there next year (^_^)
All in all, it was a great convention to end the year! I hope everyone who went had a great time, and if you didn't go, maybe I'll see you there next year (^_^)
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