Anime Festival Orlando 2014

This post was originally published on August 9th, 2014 on my weebly ( However, I've edited this post on here to make it look like it was actually published on 8/9/14 for organizational purposes. I made convention blog posts in 2013 on this account, so to keep things consistent and convenient, I've moved posts from weebly to here. I edited a few things and added pictures which makes this just a liiitle bit different from my original weebly post. I've deleted the original post on my weebly to avoid redundancy. 

This was my first year attending AFO for all three days. I went to my favorite event: the hentai game show! LOL. And, I experienced the ever-so-popular unofficial AFO pool party. 


So due to some issues with my friend's car, we didn't get to experience much of the convention during the day. BUT, it's okay because we all made it safely to the hotel xD It was a bonding experience.
I know the shades of orange don't match, but this was the best I could do. Don't kill me LOL.

After getting into my costume, we went to the kigurumi party hosted by Cafe Peko Peko. I wore some thrown together version of Velma. I really like cosplaying her because I think it suits me lol. It's kind of weird because I can't google pictures of her without seeing some gross fan art of her. Deauuugh. Anyways, there was twister at the party and OMG IT WAS MY FIRST TIME PLAYING. It was everything I dreamed it would be, which wasn't much LOL. I never played it before because I never knew anyone who had the game so uh yeah pretty simple reason. I also ended up singing a lot of karaoke omg. I actually sang "for real" which entailed me not singing in a funny voice (okay, only at some points) because of being too shy to use my real voice. It was really nice xD then again I make simple moments into life changing events all the time. I would have recorded some clips (even while playing twister) but it was too dark in that room. I should have recorded it anyway but OH WELLZ. 

my art abilities
Later we watched the burlesque show by the Pleasure Pixels. It was pretty okay. They always have a theme with a story going on which is cute. This time it was Pokemon with the original cast of Ash, Misty, and Brock. There were girls, and some guys dressed as sexy versions of pokemon and doing sexy dances. My biggest critique is how awkward some of the girls took off their clothes. Zippers really do not work when you're doing something like that. They should use velcro with their outfits if they make their outfits, or modify them to have velcro because I thought it was just cring worthy to see a girl struggle with a zipper. No wardrobe malfunctions happened so that was a relief. They keep adding more guys to the cast which is nice. My favorite people in the show were Misty and James (oh yeah Team Rocket was in there of course). The girl who played Misty was so adorable and I just thought her voice was so cute too LOL. She was also a great pole dancer. Woah. Then there was James who was talking to a sock puppet which was, you guessed it, Jesse. Oh gosh he was hilarious xD he was also a great pole dancer too haha.

After that was THE HENTAI GAME SHOW SDKGJHDFGDFG. Yes folks, that was my favorite event. Why? I just, don't even know. Well okay, I guess it's because it's so weird and it's so entertaining and just so strange. Guess that's why I like it. If you didn't know already, the game show works like this: there's a screen with numbers and the hosts pick which numbers to click on (kind of like jeopardy). It would end up being a clip from a hentai or a challenge for the audience where volunteers are chosen. When a clip from a hentai is shown, the audience is supposed to guess where it's from and whoever guesses it gets a prize. WELL THIS YEAR I DIDN'T HEAR A SINGLE PERSON GUESS SO BASICALLY WE ALL JUST SAT THEIR IN AGONY AS EACH CLIP PLAYED. I was amazed. Hentai people, you amaze me, in a scared way. Some of that stuff was just so weird and that's ME talking. That was some weird shit, literally. Yes, there was actual shit involved in 2 MAYBE 3 video clips. Also, corn. The only yaoi clip shown was the one that also had corn. I want you to read those past two sentences in the most serious voice ever. For the challenges, one of them involved three pairs of people who had to switch clothes. Gawd that was hilarious xD People won condoms *yawn* so boring I know. SOME AUDIENCE MEMBERS GOT REAL CORN.

Everyone loved this Gamagoori cosplayer. Mako was super cute too.

Saturday was pretty normal. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened. AFO's game room was awesome this year. There was an actual DDR machine which was beautiful and you could play Soul Calibur 2 on one of those like arcade machines (I'm a n00b about games 4give me). DDR was really fun and I wish I could have stayed there longer but I was so rusty.

I was supposed to participate in the cosplay skit portion of the cosplay contest but I decided not to since my partner couldn't show up at AFO. I could have done it without her, but I was honestly lazy. Well, I regret that deeply because I ended up feeling SOO disappointed in myself for missing out on that opportunity. UGHHHHHHHH. The worst part about it was that there were only THREE SKITS. LESS COMPETITION OMG I COULD HAVE WON SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGG. Nonetheless, I learned my lesson and will seriously enter any kind of of contest there is at a con if I can sing or dance or both so I don't miss out on another chance 2 HAV SUM FUN ON STAGE.

Finally, there was the pool party. LOL. This is not an official AFO event. It's just something that apparently happens every year. Well, there were many interesting sights. If being around drunk people makes you uncomfortable, then I do not suggest this event because almost everyone was drunk. Nothing bad happened to my group thankfully. The only "bad" thing that happened was someone throwing an almost empty Hawaiian Punch jug into the kiddy pool that caused water to splash on us. Yeah, we were in the kiddy pool. The main pool was too crazy for me. Plus, as you might already know, I am not confident in my swimming skills or lack thereof. People were playing chicken and beer pong and other strange things. People were also playing music on 4 different boom boxes which was kind of cool but also annoying because I hate it when I'm hearing two songs at the same time LOL. I would go again, but I would like to talk to more people because oddly enough, that place is a great way to meet people. I didn't vlog anything because I thought my camera would be stolen if I left it in a bag near our towels. I also was afraid someone would make me drop my camera into the water @_@ next time, I'll record some things and then go put my camera back into the hotel room blahhh.


Sunday was pretty normal. I went to Cafe Peko Peko's event and it was cute :3 I made a vlog so check it out to find out more info.

I hosted my panel on AKB48 which was....derpy because I forgot to download my slideshow from google drive. Nonetheless, I showed music videos and a pretty good amount of people showed up. I met a girl who was also in an AKB0048 cosplay and I ended up giving her the wrong contact info (basically) so I have to search for her on the internet because she said she was interested in joining my cover group ahhhhh (UPDATE: I FOUND HER ON FACEBOOK. SUCCESS). Also, a couple of people in there seemed to already know about AKB48 so that was pretty neat.

I seriously love this picture so much (T_T)
I hosted my karaoke panel and it was surprisingly pretty successful! I was really impressed by the people who sang because some were really really good. I had that panel planned until 5:30 but the tech people at the beginning of the panel told me to be out of the room by 5. Now that I think about it, I think they told me that because they just assumed that I had a standard 1 hour long panel. Well, I told everyone it was over by 5 xD It was okay because my group wanted to leave at 5 anyway haha. I can't wait to host Kakkoii Karaoke again :3 a lot of people always have fun at that event so I'm glad I could bring some more excitement to the con. How can you NOT have fun with karaoke??  

Anime Festival orlando was good this year. If you ever plan on hosting a panel, definitely do it at AFO because they treat their panelists very well by giving you a weekend badge and providing you with basic tech equipment. If you're curious about attending the hentai game show and you have a strong stomach, you should totally go otherwise you might be scarred for life. The pool party is fun but be prepared to be surrounded by alcohol. 

My Vlog!

Thanks for reading!
