2013 Review

Here are some pictures that I thought were positive representations of my year.

1. Celebrating my friend's birthday. That was the same night I went into my first sex shop HAHA. The sex shop wasn't the memorable part but just spending time with my friends was nice and that's a really hilarious picture of me.

2. At Megacon 2013 I met one of my favorite bloggers: aprilfoolromance!! Not sure where the spacing should be in her name which now makes me sound like a lousy follower xD I knew she was going to megacon because she said so on her instagram LOL. When I saw her while I was working in the dealer's room, I said, "april fool romance!" and she turned around and said hello O_O. The reason why that picture is so weird because I'm stuck behind the table and I couldn't really leave hahaha. I sound so fangirly right now, but it's so cool seeing someone from online in person for the first time. IT'S LIKE THEY'RE OFFICIALLY REAL! Anyways, she was really nice and her fiance was really nice too!
Working in the dealer's room was okay. I'm not sure if I would really do it again or not. If I had a designated shift, then that'd be cool so I'd have time to still walk around the convention. Although I never really asked if I could walk around so that could be my fault haha. If I can work again that'd be cool, but if not, that's cool too.

3. Spring semester I tried out a lot of new Asian dishes with some friends. I ate at a Korean restaurant three times, went to a place that had dim sum, and had hot pot for the first time. It was all sooo good @_@ I know the first time I had Korean food I had 6 glasses of water. In my defense, the glasses were fairly small HAHA. I love trying new food :D 

4. My friend Heather picked me up at the end of the semester and helped me bring ALLL of my stuff home. It was so intense. It was real life tetris. gosh, it was intense. Did I tell you it was intense. Oh, well, it was very intense. There was barely enough room for everything. I sat on the way home with my TV in my lap hahaha.

5. My trip to Minnesota was a fun experience. My friend Heather (yes, same person) invited me, so I thought it would be cool to go. It was for her brother's graduation from college YAYZ. It was my first time going there. We spent our time in St. Paul and Minneapolis. We rode the public bus the entire time there and it was fairly easy. The bus system there is wayyy better than in Florida *shivers*. We met some interesting people there, and tried a lot of different food. This picture is of when we went to the conservatory that had free admission (* 3 *). 

6. Metrocon was soooooooooo fun sadfkjdg. I completed my first "original" costume and wore it with pride hahaha. I became closer with some of my friends which was great too. I would have had more fun at Metrocon if I loosened up a little bit.

7. MY FAVORITE PICTURE OF 2013. This is from AFO, and these are my two friends that I always see at cons. We met through a mutual friend who I befriended in high school and I love running into them at conventions :D 

8. MORE FRIENDS. Umicon 2013 was a pleasant surprise xD I was determined to go this year, so I rode a greyhound bus for the first time to go home. It wasn't a bad experience, and I felt safe the entire time, but you still have to be careful for some people at the stations that'll try to creep on you. I met a friend for the first time in person and I met with some people from high school again and then some other random people and met some new people too! I also hosted a karaoke panel that I created with a friend and it was a great success. Umicon is a small convention, but I had a blast and everything was perfect about it EXCEPT, the problems I had with the staff HOWEVER, I will just take that as a learning lesson. That was a very runny on-y sentence. 

9. This picture is of my friend Taylor and I fulfilling our first Holiday Matsuri ambassador duties LOL. We helped promote HM at Shadocon and it was pretty fun. I chose this picture because I think it's hilarious/amazing how Taylor and I went to the same middle school, yet I had no idea we would become this close. It's hard to imagine a convention without her LOL. Well, okay I have attended conventions without her, but it's not the same! I love how we're both so dedicated to conventions now, so becoming ambassadors really symbolizes our love for them, especially Holiday Matsuri. Holiday Matsuri was the first convention we went together along with two other friends, and it was also her first convention ever! So many great things happened and it felt so MAGICALLLL. It was seriously saddening coming back home because it was hard to face the boring reality that being at home and going to school is. Wow I could go on and on about this, but I'll jut end it here HAHA. 

10. This is a picture of my friend's mini statue thing she bought at a cultural festival we went to. The reason why I picked this picture is because of two reasons. One of them is because my other friend took this picture and it ended up looking really cool, and I was surprised my camera could be that HD hahaha. The second reason is because this was during an outdoor music festival thing at my school. Clubs were able to have tables at that event to promote themselves, so I had a table for the Asian Student Organization, and that's where that picture was taken LOL. Gosh, my first semester as being president of that organization can only be described in one word: awkward. I realized that I need to work a lot more on my people skills. 

11. Finally, Holiday Matsuri! Wow I bet you're already tired of me talking about that HAHA. Welp, I'll keep this short. Here I am with Chii Sakurabi, an American based J-pop singer. She's performed at HM years 2011 and 2012. The sad part is that she'll be moving to LA, and might not make it to next year's HM. I hope the con people can invite her aka pay for all her expenses LOL. I honestly am I big fan of Chii and really hope she can gain the success she deserves because she is a total sweet heart and has great energy on stage that I can't stop mentioning every time I talk about her haahaha.

All right, I think  you can see a theme in all of these memories. 

Well, the first one would definitely have to be conventions. This is my second full year of attending cons. I know, so n00b sauce. However you can see how big of a part these things play. I can't imagine what I would be doing now if I didn't attend cons. I'm not sure if not attending them would be a good or a bad thing. I know I would save money and perhaps do more productive things, but I think attending them have had a more positive effect than anything. I've been inspired to do so many things and boy I could really go in depth with this one, but I'll keep it short. Basically, they've given me a lot of unique experiences and unique stores to tell, and I'm glad.

Another theme with these memories is: FWENDSHEEP. That would be friendship if you didn't catch that bahaha. I really cherish my friends. When I left for college, I thought I would meet a ton of people and make a gajillion friends, but that wasn't the case. I felt lonely, and I missed all the people I took for granted. I also met a lot of cool people at conventions too/rekindled friendships because of cons and that's great. Over all, I realized the value of friendship. You can't live life alone. You need people to share these moments with. You can't be friends with everyone, but you can never have too many friends. Okay, what am I some friendshp guru now? LOL.

I feel like resolutions are necessary so here we go WAHOO

Because I'm reaching this realization on how important friendship is, I'm going to make more friends at school and continue to appreciate the relationship I have with my friends now. I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of being quiet and antisocial because it's "safer" and more "comfortable." I'm tired of not having fun (@_@). I'm going to be friendlier in class, and give people compliments if I like their outfits, and not be afraid to join a conversation if I feel my input would be helpful/maybe even funny LOL.

At conventions, I'm so outgoing. I'm practically a completely different person from who I am at school. The reason is because at cons, I know that less people will judge me which leads me to become okay with being myself. At school, it's a whole new crowd. A whole new shallow crowd. However, I need to remind myself that that shouldn't matter. So basically, I just need to allow myself to be comfortable in my own skin at school. Wow I am making this all sound so easy HAHA. 

A few other resolutions include watching more movies (I am so behind, it's not even funny), get back into dancing, keep my room at home and at my dorm more organized, have better time management, develop a schedule for recording and uploading youtube videos, actually read books for fun, sweat more when exercising and eating more vegetables xD

Oh, I also want to actually improve my grammar because I think my grammar sucks and I have a problem with having TOO MANY RUN ON SENTENCES. 

Well, with that, this has been my first post of 2014!

New Year's is my 2nd favorite holiday 
1. Halloween
2. New Year's Day
3. 4th of July
4. Valentine's Day
5. Thanksgiving

wow Christmas isn't even on there l 0 l. Christmas is okay, but I haven't had an amazing one in a while so I'm just meh. It kind of makes me sad for various reasons because I start thinking about a lot of things, but let's save that for some other time. 

I just love the idea of starting new even though it's honestly all in our minds. The start of the new year is the same as any other day.
Ugh I even got all emotional watching the ball drop (l o l) on TV. I get all awe inspired seeing everyone in Times Square gathered together celebrating and being happy (from the looks of it). It's like, wow life is really beautiful. I'll promise myself that I'll be there one day to feel that energy. Although, it could just be how TV portrays it but I don't care, I'll see for myself. AGH, and then that New York song starts playing and I feel this deep American pride thing omg. I always feel like tearing up watching that every year hahaha. 

Best of wishes to everyone on this new year~

until next time! 
