Hey everyone!
Last weekend I went to Holiday Matsuri and it was great!
Last weekend I went to Holiday Matsuri and it was great!
but it was overall a fun weekend!
All right soooo0o0oooo0o0
On Friday my friend Taylor had a math final so we couldn't leave for the con until after her test. My friend Beth and I thought it would be a good idea to use our time wisely and help her get into her homestuck stuff while Taylor took her test. So yeah she got gray in the school's bathroom LOL. There were people that came in the bathroom and stared but it was ok. The funniest thing was walking out of the bathroom OMG. Right when we were about to go outside we heard someone say "What tha hell?!" out loud omfgggg.
So Holiday Matsuri was held at the Embassy Suites, like last year, but the rooms were already sold out by mid November. We had to stay in the Red Rood Inn u_u It wasn't TOO bad. We got a suite. The floors were wood, not carpet. The bathroom was clean. The air conditioning was ok. We had it on high, but the whole room didn't get cold. It wasn't bad though. The beds were pretty comfortable. We had a fridge and a microwave YAAAYYY. There was also a good amount of other HM attendees staying at that hotel as well. We arrived before 1, but we couldn't check in until 3pm u_u
What made this year's Holiday Matsuri different was that Taylor and I were both ambassadors :D
We were in a rush to get there because of opening ceremonies, so we epically changed in the parking lot HAHAHA. That's always fun pfffffft.
We met up with the rest of the HM staff and it turned out we actually had a lot of time left HAHAHA. So we just sat there for a bit. I was sooo tired because I only slept for 3 hours the previous night because I was getting my karaoke stuff ready for my karaoke panel.
10 or 15 minutes before opening ceremonies we were told to go around telling everyone about opening ceremonies and that people should go watch it LOL. so we did that and then we were told to entertain the crowd so we started singing xmas songs. It soon became very awkward when we realized that none of us fully knew the lyrics to jingle bell rock pffffffft. It felt like we were in Mean Girls or something omfg.
Opening ceremonies was really fun xD It was really short though, the really fun part that is. I threw a t-shirt WOOO
(credit: https://www.facebook.com/CureForCapezio)
Basically during opening ceremonies all the guests are announced and all the events that will be happening are announced as well. I've never actually watched the opening ceremonies for a con before because I never got there in time haha.
After that we went back to our hotel, checked in, and brought in all our stuff xD After that, we were sooooo hungry so we went to subway.
This christmas tree had sandwich ornaments/decorations. ISN'T THAT SOO FUNNY?! OMFG.
At 6pm was Richie Branson's concert and at 7pm was Chii Sakurabi's concert WOO.
Richi Branson was at HM last year but I didn't see his performances so I made sure to check him out this time. He was really cool.
Chii Sakurabi has been at HM since year one (which was only in 2011 LOL). I loveeeee seeing her perform. She's one of my favorite things about Holiday Matsuri. SHE'S SO FREAKIN CUTE and has so much energy. She's improved a lot since year one, which was also the same year when she debuted onto the anime convention scene xD
I wish more people attended these concerts because these artists are really cool. If there were more people there, the crowd would have been louder and more responsive. It was on Friday though, which was before a lot of people showed up. But I think these artists work pretty hard and deserve to be recognized more u_u
I can't even remember wha--OH YEAH.
So from 8 to 10 was the Butter Lettuce dance party, but since a lot of things were delayed the time was shifted to 9 I think.
I've you've seen Bravest Warriors, then you should understand what I'm talking about, but if not, it's on youtube xD This party had SO much potential to be really fun. I like these themed parties more than just a generic rave. At the beginning, the episode was shown. It was only like 5 minutes long lol. Then these shirtless guys wearing unicorn heads came up on stage along with some other girl dancers and they all started throwing green beach balls into the crowd. These clearly represented butter lettuce LOL. I regret not getting footage of them because it was soooo funny UGGGH xD
The dancers didn't stay long, and then soon the party slowly started to die <_< People also started to play dodgeball with the inflatable green balls OMG. The DJ was really cool. He remixed songs from adventure time and the bravest warriors episode.
He also wore that same red block mask thing and I regret not getting footage of him as well u_u
At 11, was the burlesque show by The Pleasure Pixels. Their show was Panty and Stocking themed, so I guess it was going to basically be the same thing that they did at AFO. Well, it was LOL. However they did add Santa in it to make it Christmas-y. Also, I think there were a few different people in the show too. They did a good job and I was still entertained LOL. I just wish there were actual GUY dancers too :P There were guys that helped carry the dancing poles (in order words, stripper poles) on and off stage, but they never danced u_u There was one guy who did dance, but his performance was more comical and although he was trying to be sexy it was more to be laughed at than to be taken seriously.
The first event was the kamehameha contest LOL. It was judged by the guests voice actors, and one of them was the English voice actor for Goku. It was sooo fun to watch xD A good portion of my HM vlog is dedicated to that event. Funny thing was, Goku's voice actor mentioned that it is possible for girls to win, and that girls have won in the past. I didn't take this as a negative thing, because I think he was just saying it as an honest form of encouragement since most of the participants were guys anyway. In the end, the winner was in fact a girl who's kamehameha was amazing o-o she started it off in a really deep voice but then ended it with this high pitched almost operatic voice that was consistent every time she did it o-o.
Taylor and I agreed to perform during the dance cover contest. We weren't going to be contestants, but we agreed to dance as filler time. At first I was having issues with the music because I didn't think of bringing a flash drive with our song on it to give to the music guy <_< luckily I did find someone with a flash drive who was happy enough to lend it to me :D Before I found that person though, I was thinking that since I don't have the music, and our performance wasn't THAAT important, it would be ok to just cancel. However, I was told that since there weren't that many entries, we really NEEDED to be up there to keep the show going LOL.
(credit: facebook friend)
Okay, so we performed on stage and it wasn't too bad. Taylor said that this was something she was anxious about the whole weekend awwwwwwwwww. The first time we practice for this performance together was Thursday night before the con LOL. We improvised during some parts because we just didn't want to deal with learning the entire dance exactly. There was also a part where we ran into the audience. Long story short, we should have taken a different route coming back on stage after running through the audience because we barely made it in time to the part that we planned on coming back. wow what a wordy sentence LOL.
Overall, it was fun xD
After that, we had to go back to the hotel room and get my laptop to host my karaoke panel: Kakkoi Karaoke. WOOHOO.
It ended up being delayed for 30 minutes because of technical issues omfg.
I was so embarrassed because I was afraid it would end up being something really simple and I would end up looking like an idiot. Two people from the "audience" came up and tried to help me but they couldn't figure it out. I was thankful but relieved that they couldn't solve the issue, so I wouldn't look dumb hahaha xD. The issue was that the music wasn't coming out of the speaker that was connected to my computer. Apparently it was the speaker itself, but it doesn't really matter because a tech person came in and solved the issue WAHOO.
SOO many people came to the panel :D I was surprised! I was even thinking about cancelling it because some of the video files were taking a while to load on my computer when I was testing things out the night before. Luckily, things turned out fine and I was able to extend the panel an extra 30 minutes to make up for the delay (also because there was nothing else happening in the room after my panel). I know next time, I'm just going to have the sign up sheet at the front of the room instead of having it float around because I feel bad sometimes for people who don't get to sing their song D: It's a process that will be worked on through trial and error I guess xD
The Toys for Tots Benefit Ball was at 6 and my panel ended at 6:30. I'd say we got to the ball at 7:30 maybe? I know it was delayed though, as how all the other events have been. In the past two years, I've never arrived on time to experience a good portion of the event, but this year was pretty good :D
Chii Sakurabi performed a few songs. One of them was a cover of The World is Mine originally by Miku of course xD It was soooo fun. Other performers included Jaxon, who's gorgeous and fabulous and everything in between, Dancing Kakashi (a fan favorite), and Richie Branson who performed more songs than just randomly singing jingle bells in my vlog LOL.
Peppermint Parlor started at 11pm. Someone called it a "boss gaming club." Corny description aside I guess that was pretty much it. The Pleasure Pixels had some dance/burlesque performances going on a mini stage while the other half of the room was available for playing video games. You could play games with bunny girls/guys by giving them a token and if you beat them, you receive a raffle ticket. I didn't intend on joining this because I didn't have the uniform (black shorts, a red tail coat thing, and other things) but someone gave me a pair of bunny ears to wear so I was like LOLOKAY QUESTION MARK.
I played a good amount of games, half of them being against friends lololol. I recorded some performances, but then I over heard that video recording wasn't allowed so I deleted them LOL.
There were A LOT more people than last year. Even the guest voice actors went to it lololol.
While a few of us were standing around after peppermint parlor was over, there was this guy walking around. He walked towards me and raised his hand as if he were going to high five me so I made a *0* face when I high fived him LOL. He then asked me if my friend and I could come to his hotel room 1027 if we were ever bored HAHA WHAT. He told me "this is not a thirsty request" and that they just wanted to have people over if they were bored i d k. But then he came back as more of us stood together and told us about the room 1027 thing and that we should all go there if we were bored. I decided to troll him and say, "oh right if we turn into pieces of wood! well, I'm not sure how often that is but if it does happen we'll let you know!" He didn't seem like a bad person I dunno, ah well hope he had fun and didn't do anything illegal.
So we had to check out of the hotel at 11am boohoo.
Taylor and I were assigned to host the all voice actor Christmas themed q & a event omfg.
We were actually both pretty nervous about this hahaha! We were practicing how we were going to explain the event and introduce the voice actors, but once it was all over with, we realized that it wasn't that big of a deal. At first it was really awkward because I didn't know when to let the next person ask the question because the voice actors would not stop talking omfg. I wasn't sure if I should say something or not HAHA. Eventually the voice actors just said something like, "ok who has the next question?" which made things easy lololol.
The costume contest was really good this year as well. I missed the Holiday Runway contest which is another faaavorite event of mine at Holiday Matsuri D:
The cosplay contest combined cosplay skits with actual costumes. It was nice that both were condensed into one show. I wish I could have entered the cosplay skit contest this year because I have this christmas deadpool idea I have in my mind xD but I guess I'll have to save it for a youtube video or something. My favorite skit was someone who was cosplaying Luigi and did a scene from Luigi's Mansion. What was really amazing was that he made an entire balloon animal type thing of the vacuum luigi uses in the game sucking up a ghost. It's hard to explain, so here's a picture:
He was really in character and it was amazing. He went backstage as part of the skit and then he came back on stage with that huge balloon craft and the crowd got so excited. He won fan favorite, but I think he truly deserved best in show.
With that, the con came to a close.
Check out all the things I mentioned in my vlog:
And another Dancing Cosplayers video! BAHAHAHA
Here are some pictures I took of some cosplayers!
Amazing Ice Queen by guest cosplay judge Kaye Cosplay :D
Awesome Cruella by my friend Rosie ;D
omg it's pops LOLOL
Oh, Sunday was also my birthday LOL.
Third year celebrating my birthday at Holiday Matsuri xD
I turned 20 this year, and next year I'll be 21 OHOHOHO.
Speaking of next year, the hotel Holiday Matsuri will be held at is going to be a different one. It's bigger, has three hotel towers, and a huge pool in the middle with a water slide and lazy river O___O!!! NEXT YEAR WILL BE SO EPIC.
Wow such a long post and now I'm finally done HAHA.
Hope you enjoyed reading about my shenanigans
[until next time .............(*0*).......................]
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