This post was originally published on June 10th, 2014 on my weebly ( However, I've edited this post on here to make it look like it was actually published on 6/10/14 for organizational purposes. I made convention blog posts in 2013 on this account, so to keep things consistent and convenient, I'm moving things from weebly to here. I edited a few things and added pictures which makes this just a liiitle bit different from my original weebly post. I've deleted the original post on my weebly to avoid redundancy. 

A couple months ago I went to Khaotic Kon and it was pretty all right. I figured I might as well make a blog post about it.

 I did a photoshoot with some friends xD it was pretty fun helping my other friend come up with poses. I got some pictures of my cosplay as well even though it wasn't complete. I was Atsuko Maeda from AKB0048 aka Acchan xD This was before I got the purple wig and I didn't have the right boots with me. Wearing that cosplay that day was just a test drive.

 This is my favorite picture taken :D  a jumping shot that isn't too derpy xD

After that, we didn't do much. We kind of just sat around. I borrowed my friend's life time pass to check out the dealers room (which was really small) and there wasn't anything that really caught my attention. Artist Alley was pretty cool though. I chatted with like three people in there at their tables~

 This really cute table caught my eye :3 I think I've already seen them at cons before but this was the first time I actually bought something from this artist (I guess you could say haha). Here is their facebook page:

 I bought these three clips (*____*) I can't remember the prices but I know they were very inexpensive. Maybe five dollars for each? I think the bow clips might have been two for five dollars but that might be way too much of a steal xD UGH SO CUTE.

 Here's a funny picture of me unintentionally looking sad LOL.
I don't have a vlog from that day, but I do have a video review up of the cosplay that I wore!

Thanks for reading!
